How to revive overwatered spider plant


The Spider Plant, commonly known as the Airplane Plant, is one of the most common indoor plants. This fast-growing plant only requires indirect sunlight and is frost-free or moist to outgrow any other plant with little to no maintenance.

Although Spider Plants are almost hassle-free to grow, they too sometimes face many issues like brown leaves, root rot, brown spots, spider mites, and so forth. One of the major reasons behind these is overwatering your spider plant. So, how to revive overwatered spider plant?

Aside from its attractive appearance, the plant has excellent air-purifying properties. Apart from their green leaves, these plants are loved for their adorable small white blooms.

They may be placed practically anyplace in the house and enhance the inside of the house due to their ever-pleasant appeal.

How to revive overwatered spider plant
Donna Joshi / YouTube

As the plant is a bit water sensitive, it tends to react heavily due to water stress. Keep in touch with the blog to get an insight into how to recover your plant from overwatering or excess water.

Is it risky to overwater spider plants?

Yes, it is. As the plant. As spider plant is native to areas of desert or barren lands, the plant heavily reacts to excess watering issues.

Too much water will drown the roots of spider plants if they are overwatered. Waterlogged soil contains less oxygen, which tends to choke off the plant’s roots.

Root rot fungi thrive in a wet environment, and if the plant isn’t saved quickly enough, they can destroy it. Root rot is caused by the fungus and bacteria that settle in the substrate. Ultimately it may kill your plant.

For all of these, you must strive to avoid overwatering your plant while keeping a note in mind the problems caused by excess water.

What are the signs of overwatering?

A spider plant that is growing in wet conditions will begin to exhibit signs of illness and dissatisfaction.

Some of the symptoms you’ll observe on the plant are drooping leaves, brown stains and stains on the foliage, and stunted growth.

The following are symptoms of an overwatered spider plant:

Leaves changing colors:

The foliage of the spider plant transforms from a lush green to a pale green hue when it begins to discolor owing to over-irrigation. This begins from the plant’s base and progresses to the top leaves.

The leaves turn from pale green to yellow as the discoloration increases, and brown specks may appear at the tips. The leaves begin to droop and fall off soon after.

Soaked Soil:

If the soil around your spider plant appears to be soaked, it’s because it can’t hold any more water due to soil quality.

spider plant with soaked soil

Because it cannot remove water quickly enough, soil with poor drainage capacity is more likely to induce spider plant overwatering.

Mold and mildew are examples of fungal growth that can appear in wet soil.

Brown leaves:

If your spider plant’s leaves have brown spots on them, you’re probably overwatering them. These unpleasant stains begin as specks and then grow into larger brown patches.

Leaves falling off:

Spider plant leaves begin to fall off as they continue to fade owing to over-irrigation.

Check whether fresh leaves are among those that are falling off the plant to see if it is due to overwatering or natural causes.

Root rot:

The healthy roots of your spider plant get smothered and weak as the soil in which it thrives becomes flooded. Fungi and other diseases that cause root degradation thrive in the presence of weak roots.

Uproot your spider plant to check for root rot and see if any of the roots are squishy/soft to the touch or have a brown hue.

Browning leaves edge:

Overhydration is the most common cause of browning edges on your spider plant’s leaves. This is because spider plants move water away from the center of the leaves and toward the edge.

browning edges on spider plant's leaves

When the moisture-holding capacity of the leaf tissues at the tips and edges is reached, they tear, causing browning at the edges.

Pest incursion:

Most pests grow in overwatered environments. If your spider plants are infested with mealybugs, aphids, or whiteflies, you’re likely overwatering them.

Spider plant pests prefer the lower side of the foliage to infest.

How to save overwatered spider plants?

The first step in recovering an overwatered spider plant is to stop watering it straight away. If the soil is still waterlogged, you can tilt the pot to drain the water.

The following actions you’ll take to save the plant will depend on whether or not root rot had developed by the time you discovered the watering problem.

How to revive an overwatered spider plant with no signs of root rot?

If your spider plant is exhibiting all of the above indicators of overwatering, except for root rot, it could be in the early stages of moisture damage.

Simply halt your watering schedule and dry up the soil by exposing it to direct sunlight to treat the plant. To stop the leaves from wilting, mist them.

Finally, before repotting, disinfect the soil with a fungicide, as the absence of root rot does not rule out the presence of fungi in the soil. Also, remember to get a pot with sufficient drainage holes.

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They could still be multiplying and causing root degeneration in the future.

How to revive an overwatered spider plant with root rot?

If your spider plant’s roots have a slimy texture, a foul stench, and a black/brown color, they’re rotten from overwatering.

Follow the steps given below to solve the problem and rescue the plant:

Wash off the soil

Run a faucet over the soil that is still sticking to the roots after uprooting the spider plant and confirming root rot. You may simply use tap water to do it.

The root sections, which suffered from the severe root red, are also scattered as water removes soil. Washing under high pressure should, however, be avoided because the root system sections still healthy may be physically damaged.

Remove infected roots

As some rotten parts are still lodged in a rotten system after the spider plant has been washed, use a pair of disinfected shears, and any discolored leaves to cut them off.

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Only healthy roots should remain when you are done.

Cut the leaves

To account for root loss, prune some of the spider plant’s top growth or cut off some long plant leaves.

This is because the residual roots may not be sufficient to support the plant’s surviving foliage.

Treat the root system

Disinfect with a commercial fungicide solution in the surviving root area.

You may also do the same with a natural fungicide solution containing cinnamon and activated charcoal if you are worried about the environmental implications of chemical products.

Repot the plant and water accordingly

Replace the old substance with a fresh mixture of potting soil with organic ingredients, before repotting the spider plant. Irrigate until the water from the drainage hole troughs comes out after the repotting.

For the plant to begin showing signs of recovery it should take about ten days with the help of fresh soil with an enhanced potting mix.

Final Words for You

After following these steps treat your plant as regular as you do your mature spider plants.

Keep it in a shady spot with indirect light away from direct sunlight or bright light and your plant will recover only in ten days. A healthy mother plant will also ensure a healthy spider plant baby.

Happy gardening!