How much water does an apple tree need per day?


Water is an essential factor for growing an apple tree. I have seen many people who complain about their apple tree’s growth. When I go through their plant care routine, I notice that the problem was their watering method.

Either their over-watering kill the plant or their under-watering stop the growth of the plant. Ultimately, they are harming the plant growth to death. So, like any other fruit tree, the amount of water for the apple plant should also be perfect. 

So, how much water does an apple tree need per day?

A mature apple tree needs one inch or 2.5 cm of water for 7 to 10 days. An apple tree that is growing or at a young age requires a lot of water. Water the plant with 5 gallons of water per day (3 times per week). 

Apple trees don’t need too much water. But without water, it is difficult for the tree to survive. Well, the watering also depends on various factors like soil, weather, and so on.

So, here I will talk about those watering tips that you will need to apply for this fruit tree. Let’s dig in deeper!

How much water does an apple tree need per day?

Does the apple tree need too much water?

An apple tree is great to plant in backyards or indoors. This fruit tree doesn’t need too much water. If it rains for an inch, there will be no need to add water to the plant. However, during the growing season, the plant may need a little bit more water. The amount is approximately 15 gallons per week.

The first year after planting is a crucial year for the growth of the plant. During this time, the plant needs extra care! So, the plant also needs some more water, and don’t forget to take care of that matter!

The watering care tips for the apple tree!

Understand your plant!

Well, understanding your plant means that you should analyze the life stages of the apple tree. For example, the apple tree needs the highest amount of water during its growing period and the lowest during its maturity. Again, without enough water, the tree can’t bear fruit. The fruit may drop out of the tree.

So, it is necessary to provide the tree with proper irrigation when it is yielding fruits. For example, add water daily for one to two weeks after planting. After that, water for two to three days per week for the next 3-12 weeks.

Also, every week you can add 10 gallons of water for an inch of trunk caliper of a mature tree, according to the rule of thumb.

Water after considering the soil texture


We all know apple trees need loamy soil to grow. But it may thrive in sandy or clay soil too! When you are putting the plant in the sandy soil, it will drain the water so quickly and turn dry. That’s why you need to water it frequently to maintain the soil moisture.

Again, when you are using clay soil, you can water the soil hardly. You can check the dryness level of the soil and water the plant as it retains water the most.

However, using loamy soil is preferable since both its drainage quality and water retention quality are good. Also, you can water the plant in a guided way.

Check the weather before watering

Weather can affect the amount of water you are putting in your apple tree. When it is hot weather in summer, the tree will need more water. Due to high temperatures, the soil will dry out quickly, and you will have to water it frequently during summer.

On the other hand, due to cold temperatures in winter, the evaporation will be less. In this way, the soil will remain moist. Then there will be no need for frequent watering.

If it rains for an inch within a week or ten days, there will be no need to water as the water demand is covered.

Use a proper way of watering

There are several ways of watering, such as drip irrigation, sprinkling water, or direct watering using a hose. When you want to add a tiny amount of water, you can use a sprinkler. During drought, you can use the hose for putting water directly. You can stick the hose close to the roots with a slow trickle.

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By this, the water won’t spread through the whole soil surface. But I prefer drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is a handful method for slow and deep watering.

Using this method can also maintain the soil moisture for a long time. However, don’t let the water touch any leaf or branches of the tree!  

Maintain consistency

Keep your soil moist in a consistent way and keep the watering rate the same. Don’t do overwatering for some days and under-watering the other days. If you do overwatering, it may result in root rot.

On the other hand, if you do under-watering, the tree or the fruits may suffer. That’s why always try to keep the water amount at the same level. 

Always do deep watering

With the growth of the tree, the root ball also grows under the soil. It may go under a few inches of soil.

Since the root is responsible for bearing the water to the leaf and the whole tree, the root ball should receive the water properly. That’s why the water should go deep down the soil, under the tree canopy.

For this reason, deep watering is a must! For deep watering, you can always rely on drip irrigation. 

Use mulch for water retention

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Mulch will help you to maintain the moisture of the soil for a long time. Apply a layer of mulch about 2-4 inches deep, and you will get the benefits. Mulch will prevent the fast drying out of the soil!

Don’t miss watering for a single season of the year

Many people think that they don’t need to add water during winter. Winter is the dormant season for an apple tree. Though it is the dormant season, the tree still keeps growing. That’s why during dry spells, you should add water too!

When the temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you can add water to the plant. You will get to see the benefits later!

Few Last words for you

Your apple tree doesn’t need lots of water. The young plants may indeed need some bucket of water. On the opposite of this, the mature plants don’t need a lot of water. Mature trees can survive with an inch of rainfall!

I assume you have gotten all the details about watering, and there is no confusion left behind. I hope that this information will help you with the right amount of water for your apple tree.

Have a good gardening journey!